My Child Genoscope

Includes the following panels

Guard the Future with our Genetic Disease Carrier Package
Every individual carries a unique genetic blueprint, holding secrets that can shape the health of future generations. Our Genetic Disease Carrier Package is meticulously designed to uncover potential inherited conditions that you might carry, providing crucial insights into the genetic health risks your offspring could inherit. Also, with the expert advice of our team, you can get the best strategies and solutions to improve the quality of life and create health in your family.
The Nutrition Genetics Panel is a collection of useful information to help you identify your unique nutritional needs. With detailed genetic analysis, you gain access to information that shows how your body reacts to different nutrients and diet, what foods it absorbs and metabolizes better, and what foods your body can’t absorb. Now is the time to receive your diet with our new method without trial and error you can get the best version of your diet by trusting the results of the nutrition genetics panel.
The probability of occurrence of various diseases in each person largely depends on his genetics. The risk prediction panel estimates the risk of underlying diseases in you by genetic analysis. This foreknowledge can facilitate early diagnosis and prevention of some diseases and help you to choose a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.
Knowing our body is the best starting point for a sports activity. Our sports panel is one of the most complete genetic tests available in the market. The important information of this panel allows you to have the smartest training program according to your body condition. Also, this information helps you avoid possible injuries during training and achieve your sports goals. Discover your athletic abilities with this genetic panel.
Discover the Genetic Secrets of Your Personality
Dive deep into the DNA layers that shape who you are! With our cutting-edge Personality Genetics Package, uncover the intricate links between your genes and various traits that define your unique character. In this package, you can find out about the possibility of Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, insomnia, and even the desire to consume alcohol and drugs.

Unveil Your Child's Innate Potential
Every child carries a universe of potential, from innate talents to predispositions that influence their health. Our exclusive Children's Talents and Health Genetic Package is meticulously designed to provide insights into both these critical aspects, paving the way for a future filled with achievement and well- being.